1780 - 1880
At the origin of The House of Development lies a Dutch family that, over the years, has proven its enormous strenght in the construction business. This family has a heritage in the building and shipping industry that dates back to 1780. Early generations specialized in the construction of wooden river barges in Krommerijn, near Utrecht.
Around 1880, the shipbuilding activity evolved to metal hulls, and the family transferred its know-how of specialized carpentry and technology to the construction of residential houses.
The family left a legacy of estates in Utrecht that are dating from that period, to mention a few: the ''Verenigingsgebouw van de Nederlands Hervormde Gemeente'', the police building ''Tolsteeg'' (the present Louis Hartlooper Complex, a ''rijksmonument''), the ''Hervormde lagere school aan het Domplein'' (the present Music-school), the bank building at the ''Plompetorengracht'' and a ''batterijfabriek'' at the ''Amsterdamsestraatweg''.